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Import Layer Settings Autocad

by anacjero1979 2021. 6. 3.

Oct 03, 2014  This video describes how to export custom layers and import them into other drawings using AutoCAD. AutoCAD layer filters and layer states - Duration: 8:21. Daniel Abbott 3,876 views. An AutoCAD Design Center alternatives: import objects and styles from other drawings easily. You will get more options to import than using Design Center! Import Objects and Styles from Other AutoCAD Drawings CADnotes. Import DXF (Autocad) AutoCAD DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) is a legacy format originating in the CAD industry to exchange 2D vector data. CityEngine imports the following entity types for DXF: as shapes: Circle, LwPolyline (must be closed), Polyline (must be either closed or polyface mesh) and Insert. As graph segments: Line, Arc, Circle, Polyline, LwPolyline and Insert. The export AutoCAD settings tools will copy files that works with your custom settings into a zip file. If you want to examine the zip file, you need to install 3rd party file archive utility like 7ZIP. Click Home tab Layers panel Layer State. Find In the Layer State drop-down list, click Manage Layer States. Note: The Layer States Manager is also accessible from the Layer Properties Manager. In the Layer States Manager, click Import. In the Import Layer State dialog box, open the LAS file that you want to use, and then close the Layer States Manager. Have you ever tried to import civil object layer settings from one file to another? Even if you try to use the Styles Import Wizard, those settings aren’t imported. In this video, I.

  1. Import Layer Settings Autocad File
  2. Import Layer Settings Autocad Download
  3. Autocad Export Layers
  4. Import Layer Settings Autocad Las
  5. Import Layer Settings Autocad 2017
  6. Import Layer Settings Autocad Free
  7. Autocad Import Layers From Excel

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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Layer Settings of imported Autocad drawings

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Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 9:19:31 AM | Layer Settings of imported Autocad drawings




Joined: Tue, Feb 12, 2008
33 Posts
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I imorted a drawing from AutoCAD that had certain layer turned off. I initially placed thsi drawing on my ground floor plan Revit automatically took on teh default layer setting of teh AutoCAD drawings with all teh correct layers turned on and off.

When I then move this AutoCAD drawing to a different level all teh previously hidden layers on teh AutoCAD drawing show. I know I can go to teh VG menu and manually turn off the unwanter layers but I want to know if there is a simple setting to say that the AutoCAD layer setting should be retained?


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Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:35:07 PM | Layer Settings of imported Autocad drawings




Joined: Wed, Mar 5, 2008
208 Posts

I ran into this issue in the past but I don't think there is any logic to how the layer is on/off when they get copy from one level to another

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Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 2:14:16 AM | Layer Settings of imported Autocad drawings




Joined: Tue, Jul 14, 2009
273 Posts

you can create a VG template with that layers set. Then use the underlay to show up that autocad file (dont move it). When you finish using info from that cad, DELETE it.

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- [Instructor] In this new chapter,we're going to look at bringing our AutoCAD layers,our standardized layers, into a Revit project.Now I've got a Revit project running.It's a basic project, nothing in it at all.And as you can see, I haven't even renamed it yet.It's just called Project1 up at the top of the screen there.And you can see that we are in level zero,so if we look at the Floor Plansin the Project Browser in Revit, we're at Level 0.So I've even just got default floor plansthat haven't been named in any which way, shape, or form.

So I'm literally starting from scratch.Now there are two ways that you can bring in informationfrom a CAD drawing into Revit.The first one of theseis importing a CAD file into Revit itself.Now, that's great, but when you import a CAD file,it's a snapshot in time of that CAD file.Any subsequent changes to that CAD filewill not show on the imported CAD drawing.

Import Layer Settings Autocad File

So I'm gonna show you how that worksand then I'm going to delete that imported CAD file.So, you're in Revit.You've started up a new project, as you can see,and I'm in Floor Plan Level 0.I go to the Insert tab on the ribbon in Revitand it's Import CAD here.So as you can see, imports data or 3D geometryfrom other CAD programs to a Revit project or family.So I'm gonna select Import CAD.That brings in the Import CAD Formats dialogue box,and you can see there that I've already got a .dwgthat you can use that you can download from the libraryto use to follow along with this particular video.

Import Layer Settings Autocad Download

So it's this one here,00_Office_GROUND_PLAN, that one there.So I select it.You may recognize it from previous chaptersby the little preview there, the little thumbnail.Now, there are various settings that you can utilizewhen you import a CAD file.They're all down here at the bottom of the dialogue box.So as you can see,the file type that we're using obviously is .dwg.It's an AutoCAD file.And we've got a choice of colors,I can maintain by preserving the colors there,or I can invert the colors, possibly not a good idea.

Autocad Export Layers

Import Layer Settings Autocad

Import Layer Settings Autocad Las

Or I can just go black and white.Black and white tends to be the best optionbecause in Revit, most of the time,you're working with a white background.So, black and white is a good option.Now, you can bring in all of the layers and the levelsor you can just do the visible ones in the .dwgor better still, I can specify which ones I want to come in.You'll see what happens in a minutewhen I actually bring this imported CAD drawing in.Import units will auto-detect, that's always a good thing,but you can go in and specify a custom factoror something like feet, inches, millimeters, and so on.

Import Layer Settings Autocad 2017

Auto-detect tends to be the best option.Any lines that are slightly off axis,Revit will correct them if you tick that box.Very, very useful, and we're gonna positionauto origin to origin so the origin in the .dwg filewill be the origin in the Revit project as well.We're gonna place it at Level 0because that's our current floor plan,and we're gonna orient to the view.We're gonna make sure that it's all nice and horizontal.So when I click on Open now, because I've done thiswith the layers and the levels, specify,I'll get another dialogue box.

Now the benefit I've got here is now I can seeall of those standardized, AutoCAD .dwg layers,and I can decide on what I wantto come into my Revit project.Now I might not want the walls,I might not want the doors,I might not want the gridlines,but I can specify what I want to come in.So I've got some very simple boxes here,I've got Check All, Check None, or Invert.So I can invert the settings or I can just say,I don't want any I like, and then just pick which onesI want or I can say I want all of them, like so.

Import Layer Settings Autocad Free

I'm just gonna go for all of them, and click on OK.And that now imports the .dwg into my Revit project.So if I select it now, can you see,it basically behaves in a very similar wayto an external reference file in AutoCAD,an xref, it's very, very similar.So I've selected that there and you can seeit's all one object in my Floor Plan at Level 0in my Revit project.Now you'll notice there's a little pin there.Now, in Revit, that prevents or allows changeof the element position.

Autocad Import Layers From Excel

So if I hit that pin, can you see,it now basically is unpinned.And what I can do, is I can delete it.I'll just hit the Delete here on the keyboard,and that's now gone, so my imported CAD file is now gone.That's how quick and easy it is to remove.If I wanna bring it in again,obviously I would go back up to Import CADand go through the same workflow and process.But as I specified, when you import a CAD file,it's a one off snapshot.Any changes to that CAD, in this case, .dwg file,will not reflect when you open up the Revit project againand changes have been made to the .dwg in the background.

So just be aware of that.So it might be a fixed set of gridlines, for example,that you want to bring through from the .dwg.That's fine, as long as those gridlines don't change,because if they do, you won't see the changesin your imported CAD file in your Revit project.
